Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hoarding in Manhattan

This wonderful New York Times article mentions my dear friend & colleague Kristin Bergfeld's business (Bergfeld's Estate) and the fantastic work she does in New York. Here is her information and the link to the New York Times article:

"To mark our 24th year of successful business, we have established a new program, “BERGFELD’s Partnerships for the Elderly™”. Our purpose is to serve elders who choose to “age in place” but whose home is at risk because of hoarding. We coordinate with social service organizations that identify qualifying elders from among their clients. We then collaborate with them, their elder client and related professionals who contribute at no cost all products and services necessary to clear, repair and reconfigure the qualifying elder’s home.

Our very first “Partnerships” project is the subject of an extensive article in The New York Times, 26 August, 2010."