Sunday, May 17, 2009

Snapping Out of Hyperfocus

This article was written by my colleague Dr. Bobbie Tsukahara, ADD Austin:

The difficulties with concentration and focusing for people with ADD are well known, but the flip side – “hyper-focus” can be just as problematic. Our ability to focus our attention and shift it as required is dependent on the complex orchestration of many processes in the brain.

In the person with ADD, there is a breakdown in this orchestration that leads to dysregulation of the “attention centers” of the brain. This dysregulation is sometimes viewed as a matter of the will, but in fact the ADD brain often needs heightened stimulation (e.g., a high degree of interest or the immediate feedback of a computer game) in order to become engaged. Once engaged, the ADDer may find that breaking out of a highly stimulating activity is also very challenging.

If you find this is the case for you, here are some tips to help you break out:

Identify the specific activities that are frequently problematic for you. What are the “black holes” that pull you in?

Before engaging in the activity, decide how much time you can afford to spend. Be very specific. (E.g., “I can only play this computer game for 30 minutes.”)

Set a timer or alarm that requires you to get up to turn it off. Many newer stoves have such a timer. It should be loud enough and intrusive enough that you cannot ignore it. If you do not own such a timer or alarm, purchase one. It is money very well spent. While you can use your computer’s timer with computer-based activities, these are often too easily dismissed or ignored. You have to know yourself well enough to decide if that will work for you. Here are some links to products that might help you:

The Puzzle Alarm Clock 

Clocky – designed by an MIT student who could not wake up

Time IT by Technika – for the computer guru

If your activity is computer-based, set your computer to shut down at a specific time, with a pre-set warning. How to do this will depend on the operating system you use. This tip also works well for those of you who stay up too late doing computer-based work or play. For Windows XP go

Ask a friend who is sensitive to your ADD to call you at a specific time. Use this wisely because it can lead to resentments. As a general rule, I strongly recommend that you do not ask a parent or spouse to play this role. It has the potential to put too much strain on the relationship.

If you have found other tricks that work for you, please send them to me at: I’m always for new strategies to share with my clients.


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