Sunday, April 26, 2009
MInd mapping

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Economy of Love
By Suzanne Evans, Helping Profession Expert
We live in an abundant universe. All the resources, support, and direction we need is all around. Failure is not an option in creating and growing your business - you may choose to quit, but failure is not possible with the economy of love. The Webster's definition of economy is the correct and effective use of available resources. And that is all building, marketing, and growing a business is - the effective use of your available resources.
The economy of love in your business is what you can share with those you want to help, heal, support, inspire, and serve. The truth is - this is what your clients and customers want the most of anyway. They want to feel heard, nurtured, embraced, and celebrated.
Here are three ways the economy of love is used in my business
and you can tweak it for yours, as well.
#1 Be more interested than interesting:
I am all for "tooting your own horn"- actually that is a form of love, but our clients come to us in pain or need. You will always be of higher service and greater good if you can listen to them in a deeply meaningful way. I always ask in the first session what my client's life will be like when they reach their business goal or launch their business or meet the next money goal. I ask for two reasons.... 1) I am so deeply interested. I love hearing those moments because they are their real stories. In those dreams are the opportunities to change the world. 2) That really is the story they WANT to share. The hardship and hard times are what might be most on their mind, but they want to share the victory and the vision. Compassionate curiosity is the economy of love.
#2 Stay in touch:
Some weeks it is not easy to write this newsletter. My assistants are always fussing at me for being a little late or behind. I want to share good ideas and I can often get caught up in perfectionism, but it always gets done because I care about you. I can't hold on to the ideas or information. It is almost too painful for me. I want to get it to you so that you can share it and change the world. I write weekly because I treat you like I would treat a good friend. I want to stay in constant touch and I want to give you support in a timely way. Staying in touch is the economy of love.
#3 Bless them and let them go:
This one is hard. In the beginning of my business when a client left or changed their mind it would really pain me. What did I do wrong? What did I mess up? Why would they do that? It is never easy to lose a client - it means a loss of income and change. Change is hard. Those clients leave for a reason. That change happens for a higher purpose. So, now I bless them and let them go. It feels so much better and I believe it shows myself more self love. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is bad. It just is. So, begin to let people go when the time is right. Letting go is the economy of love.
The resource is there right now and it is abundant. What if we all used love as our greatest marketing strategy? What would our world look like? What would our business look like? And remember LOVE is not all soft... and yes... and quiet. Love can be compassionate accountability, telling the truth, and some tough honesty with your clients.
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -
Mother Teresa

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Fish Fry

This Easter we had the opportunity to spend our time with our neighbors down the street. We had a "good ole" Louisiana fish fry. The fish de-jour was speckled trout. This was the first time I ever had this kind of fish and it was great. The speckled trout is an important game fish in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Specks are a coastal saltwater species of the Louisiana coast and can be caught year round. I have done a little bit of research on these fish and found that they start spawning in May. Speckled trout have elongated bodies with spots and can grow to a maximum size of 16 pounds, but the average size is 1 pound. Speckled trout caught in the surf will run up to 2 to 4 pounds, then walk to the backside of the same island and catch smaller 1 pound specks. They are a sweet, pleasant tasting fish, and now that I have had them, I look forward to having more at future fish frys. Check out for more fishing info.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Saving Money in Tight Times

In any economy, learning how to prioritize your spending and manage your money are important lessons to learn and implement in your daily life.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Central Texas Gardening-Hydrangea (not meant for Central TX gardens)