O.K. what does this have to do with the Valentine's Day weekend? Well everything. You want a great place to eat for the V-Day weekend, if you're going out.
What it you've made no plans for Valentine's Day? Well it's not too late. Call up a friend or friends, pick up the phone and make a reservation (NOW). I almost totally messed up on our party of four by thinking we could eat anywhere tonight. But alas, I lucked out and made reservations at a really great place that's been around for the past year or so. That might seem like a short amount of time for a restaurant, but not in this growing area. As already stated above "look out mediocre restaurants, there are many new sheriffs in town who want your job."
You could say that about some professional organizers, but that's for another blog day. This conversation is about having a good time on Valentine's Day whether you have a date or not.
So, make that call, get out some nice clothes and have a blast. Those of you with no date tonight, don't be discouraged, go out on your own. Be sure to bring some mace (you never know what maniac is out this weekend). My safety suggestion is that you go to a local place where you know or feel comfortable with the crowd and have a drink and a bite to eat. If any creeps give you a hard time gals, remember the mace;)
Happy pre-Valentine's Day!