Just when you think that people are so caught up in themselves, someone comes out of nowhere and does something so incredibly nice.
This is what happened to me as I waited for a storm to blow through the Baltimore airport as I waited to get back home from New Jersey. I was sitting next to this woman who started telling me about her sister that lives in Austin. Her sister is chronically disorganized and I shared that I'm a professional organizer. She made a phone call and told her sister that she found the perfect person to help her.
Well, this isn't the incredibly nice thing, yet. This woman was also from New Jersey and told me that her family was really screwed up, but she still loved them and enjoyed her visits there. She said that she has been living in Oregon for many years and people there usually minded their own business, unless you let them into your life. She had fallen in love with this guy in the 70's and they had a bunch of kids and lived near the coast. They spent a lot of time fishing and hiking.
We talked for a number of hours as we waited for the storm to clear. I told her that my husband George loved to fish. I said that he had one time gone up to Washington State and fished for salmon with his friend Mike. She said that they owned a bed and breakfast on the coast and that I was welcomed to come there with George, so he could fish. She said that it wouldn't cost us any money to stay there. I couldn't believe that she meant this. She didn't know me or anything. She said she was for real and invited me cause she had a feeling that I was a very nice person and she would enjoy my company up there.
Well, one of these days I think I'll take her up on her offer. I have the address and all. All I have to do is call to make plans with her. Well, I'd say that was an incredibly nice thing to do. In the meantime, I'm working with her sister here in Austin, helping her to get organized.
Let me know your airport experiences.