Well I did it! I've been thinking about putting together a family budget. Along with talking about this subject a lot with clients, I propelled myself forward & set-up an account on https://www.mint.com/.
It was really easy to do & I feel like a real grown-up and don't ask me why I feel this way.
I've always kept up with my financial information, but with Mint, it's different. Everything we need to know about our true financial picture is available at the touch of our keyboard.
Mint.com is a read-only program, so you don't have to fear that the universe will have access to your financial information. Mint was created by the folks at Intuit who has given us QuickBooks, Quicken, TurboTax & many other smart business & personal financial accounting programs.
One of the many things I really like about mint.com is that all of my financial information is connected to real financial institutions. My financial information is in real time, with real figures. I know my net worth in a blink of an eye. I also know what my budget looks like all the time, so I can adjust it as needed. So, if you want to feel like a financial grown-up too, check out mint.com and discover what it can do for you.
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